December 1st, 2022


The public transport infrastructure in our country is very complete. You can visit almost all places by bus, train, tram or subway. We also have a very handy tool that shows us precisely what options are available to reach our destination.

What you need to know: 

  • At almost all public transport stations you can buy your own card for traveling: the ov-chipkaart. You can use this card nationwide for every mode of transport (except for traveling by plane). At the station or supermarket you buy yourself an anonymous card for €7,50. Here you can also order your personal card, with your name and picture.
  • Next you need to put a balance (money) on your card. You need at least €4,- on your card for traveling by bus, metro and tram, and €20,- for traveling by train. You can update your balance at the public transport station and in most supermarkets, book stores or tabacco shops. You need a debitcard or creditcard to charge your ov-chipkaart.
  • At all public transport stations you need to check-in for using transport. At train and subway stations you can not enter the platform without checking in. If you want to travel by bus or tram you can check-in inside the vehicle.
  • Don't forget to check-out when leaving the tram, bus or platform! Otherwise your card will automaticly charge €4,-, even if your trip was cheaper.
  • You can plan your trip easily at the 9292 website or via the 9292 app. Just fill in where you are and where you want to go. The tool shows you the options, departure times and the price of your journey. It also shows delays and other disruptions on your trip.

Other nice things to know:

  • You can also buy a paper ticket or an e-ticket online or at the station. However, an OV-chipkaart is more convenient and cheaper in the long run.
  • You can not bring your bicycle in the subway or train during rush hour (between 07:00 - 09:00 hr and 16:00 - 18:30 hr). When traveling with your bicycle in the train, you need to buy a ticket for your bicycle which costs €7,50.
  • If you want to travel by train with a child under the age of 12, you can buy a Railrunner (€2,50). This way he or she travels with a discount for a whole day. Children under the age of 4 always travel for free.
  • If you have questions during your trip, you can always approach an employee of the public transport organisation. Or talk to a fellow traveller.