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Navigating to financial success @ Maas Riva

Adrianna, born in Poland, has always been eager to learn new skills in the finance sector. With her passion in accounting, it came to no surprise that she wanted to look for a job opportunity in an environment that prioritizes teamwork, open communication and learning possibilities. After meeting with PofO, she has been working for Maas Riva for some time now as an accounting employee!

Adrianna’s adventure at her new function
We asked Adrianna what her thoughts are about her new career. “Since I was hired at Maas Riva, I’ve learned a lot of things. I have been able to discover how to work with new accounting systems and I can speak with suppliers and purchasers in an official and common way in English.” By doing this, she said that she is able to develop her language skills a lot better, which she is really appreciative of. The most enjoyable aspect of her new career is that she can improve the skills she already had before working in Maas Riva and take those skills to a whole new level. “Now, I can learn how accounting works in the Netherlands. I find this so adorable and satisfying, because I can learn something new every day!”

Adrianna told us more about what the atmosphere is like at Maas Riva: “Maas Riva is hiring people from different countries too. Because of that, it gives me the opportunity to connect to the other nationalities that my co-workers have. We’re able to share out different cultures and expand our language skills as well. This is something that I find very intriguing in the working environment at Maas Riva.”
After that, Adrianna shared us what her experience has been like getting to work in the Netherlands. First, she stated that the most difficult part was learning the language vocabulary. She has been able to work on this by writing down the words that she doesn’t fully know the meaning of and then later looking it up. This has been a perfect way for her to improve her vocabulary. “I’ve also received a lot of support from both PofO and Maas Riva: PofO gave me an offer and guided me, where Maas Riva gave me the opportunity to work in my profession outside of my own country. Maas Riva influenced my professional integration in the Netherlands, because of their multi-cultural environment. This boosted my motivation to develop linguistically. I definitely want to recommend PofO for newcomers, mostly because of their policy. This organization is concentrated on your personal skills, giving you a choice and helping you to choose the best option based on your own interests. They help you after you started at your new function as well and this is amazing!”

Maas Riva working with Adrianna
We asked Adrianna’s supervisor, Adriana (with one “n” instead of two, so don’t get confused!) about what her experiences have been like working with Adrianna. “What we saw from the beginning, is that Adrianna knows what needs to be done to complete her tasks and that she is very disciplined to take actions when her input is required.” Adriana tells us that Adrianna has adapted very well to the company culture and the working environment and that there weren’t any problems regarding this. “She is a great fit for our team. She is working together with her experienced colleagues to complete her tasks and her skills are perfectly aligned with the expectations we had before she started working here!”

Adriana was very positive when we asked her about her experiences working with PofO. “So far, Adrianna is the only candidate from PofO, but I wouldn’t say she’d be the last. Working with PofO has been very pleasant. The close follow-up contact they have provided trust and comfort for their candidates and also for us as a company. We definitely would recommend their organization to every newcomer that wants to work in the port and industry of Rotterdam!”
