Information about Port of Opportunities


We are Port of Opportunities, an experienced knowledge partner for the port and industry in the Rotterdam region.

Empowering newcomers towards a bright future

In September 2022, "Port of Opportunities" set sail on a mission fueled by a singular purpose – to foster positive transformation in the (professional) lives of newcomers within the Netherlands. This was made possible because of our founding fathers, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam and Watertalent.

Together, we observed and recognized that newcomers in the Netherlands face many challenges in their quest for meaningful employment. Obstacles such as the non-recognition of foreign qualifications, language barriers, and the weight of unjust biases hinder their progress. Our belief in the urgency of change serves as a steadfast guide – we are devoted to helping finding as much newcomers a qualified job in the port and industry of Rotterdam, that helps them build their future here in the Netherlands. Our ultimate ambition is to guide them towards a steady, meaningful occupation that resonates with their individual skills, knowledge, and experience. Anchored in the foundation of our approach is the emphasis on fostering meaningful connections and nurturing an intimate understanding of the candidate's distinct needs.

A solution for a stronger labor market

Beyond our unwavering commitment to helping newcomers build their professional lives here in the Netherlands, we also think that hiring newcomers is the solution to alleviate the strain on the current Dutch labor market. Currently, the port and industry of Rotterdam misses thousands of skilled employees to grow, and even sustain, the current work load. We believe that by embracing newcomers and the talent, experience and skills they bring to the table, the vibrant port and industry of Rotterdam will have the capacity to keep developing.

Our approach: meaningful at its core

Centered upon the understanding the aspirations and capabilities of a newcomer, our approach materializes in the form of connecting a candidate with employers who genuinely recognize and cherish their potential. Our ultimate triumph lies in in success matches between newcomers and employers, whereby both recognize each other's potential and willingness to collaborate. This is why our approach is socially and personally orientated: it is not about making quick matches, it is about making meaningful ones. 

A wider dream drives us to keep making succesful matches : to shape a scenario where newcomers are offered fair chances, enabling them to create a successful path in the Netherlands. We passionately urge employers to provide equal opportunities to new Dutch citizens and are ready to share our knowledge, experience and expertise where needed, to ensure the integration of more skilled newcomers in the port and industry of Rotterdam. We have made succesful matches before. We know it is possible. Are you on board for a port full of opportunities for everyone?

We're not doing this alone

As mentioned before, we are not on this mission alone. Apart from our founding fathers, we also have strategic partners like Gemeente Rotterdam and Stichting Mano, with whom we work closely to enhance the chances of newcomers on the Dutch labour partners. Additionally, we have our Pofo friends, who are individuals that support our mission and are public advocates of Port of Opportunties. Lastly, there are our opportunity partners, who are all the companies that have opened their doors for newcomers as employees.

To learn more about our partners and friends (or maybe you want to join them!), click the link below to gather more information on the wonderful collaborations we've established.