

If you come to the Netherlands and want to stay longer than 4 months, you must register with the municipality in the Personal Records Database (BRP). 

You must do this within 5 days of arrival in the Netherlands. If you haven't done this yet, do it as soon as possible. After registration you will receive a BSN. This personal number is used for contact between you and the government. You will need it to get for example for a health insurance, to follow education andto be able to work in the Netherlands. Please make sure that you never lose your BSN number!

You can register in the BRP (Personal Records Database) at the municipality where you live. Currently there are long waiting times. That is why BRP streets have been set up. These are extra locations where you can be registered in the BRP. These are located in Haarlemmermeer, Ter Apel, Budel, Zevenaar and Den Bosch. With a BRP street you will be registered in the municipality where you currently reside. After registration you will receive a BSN. See the website of my COA for more information.

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